


“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”

In Whippet world some of the things that had never changed have done. Miss T has beaten her mum’s 5K time. Mr Schofield (senior) appears to be on a drive for Olympic selection, having knocked a minute off his PB for 3 weeks running. Various Finch-Spencers continue to amaze and Miss Beeley has retired from running – it appears!

Let’s start with the termly Finch-Spencer report. Jacob has followed in Matilda’s footsteps and completed his 100 Junior Park Run. An incredible effort, considering he has had a problem with injury recently – runner’s curse. Equally as remarkable, is the achievement of younger sister Lotte, who has completed 50 Park Runs. She is still only 4 years of age, which by my Maths, probably means she has not missed a run in the last year.

Woodland recently competed in the Skelmersdale schools Park Run event. Individual success was enjoyed by Amber Macandlish -2nd and Gary Taylor-3rd in the Year 3/4 races. All of our runners did themselves proud. A real team effort. So well done to Marie, Lacey, Nylah, Matilda (not another Finch-Spencer), Darcie Davies, Lola, Ryan, Jacob, Isaac, Keelan, Max and Luca. The seniors run next!   

It has been great to see a few new faces at Friday Running Club, obviously tempted out by improving weather. We have had to do a lot of training indoor, due to the endless rains and flooded subways. Getting back out into the great outdoors has come as a bit of relief – there is a limit to how many sit-ups and triceps dips you can do!

A big shout goes out to Claire Cooper – our Chair of Governors, who has now reached the milestone of 300 Park Runs as a volunteer – true commitment. The work of all the volunteers is greatly appreciated by The Whippets. Without these dedicated people none of this would happen.

And finally, we say good luck to Miss Riozzi who is about to run the London Marathon. She does it the hard way. Not dressed up as a rhino or as a scale model of Big Ben, but takes part following a brief training programme. Those of us who have attempted a marathon before, know how difficult this is.

Go Nicola.

Happy Running

Mr T, Miss B, Mrs T




It has been a few thousand kilometres since our last Whippet report and so it is probably time for an update.

In Whippet world some things never change. Miss T has still not beaten her mum’s 5K time. Miss Beeley has maintained her record for most words per km over the Tawd Valley course. Every weekend we acknowledge the amazing efforts of Mya and Mohammad at the finish line. Nour’s remarkable record of most wins at both junior and senior level still stands. The other thing that never changes is the commitment and determination of our young athletes and the support of Woodland staff.

What does change are the faces of our new recruits. Running club is bursting at the seams. Some of our younger runners are showing lots of promise on our Friday trot. We are running short of staff who can keep up with them.

There have been many new and notable moments which are worthy of note.

Our link with Wigan Harriers remains active, with Nour, Kady and Layla lighting up the track (and field) up and down the North West. Our Kady was on the TV in the Summer, in the English Indoor Athletic Championships. The talent and dedication of this trio is a joy to behold – you are an inspiration to the rest of us!

Speaking of achievement…………… meet Matilda Finch-Spencer. A veteran of 100 Junior Park Runs at the ripe old age of 6. Yes, you heard right – 6. We believe she must be one of the youngest in the country to have reached this milestone. It gets better. Brother Jacob, who is a year older, is about to reach his 100 milestone. Surely, there can’t be anymore flying Finch-Spencers. You’d be wrong. Lotte is next with an amazing 35 Park Runs at the age of 4!! Finally, 2 year-old Bella is surveying the course, often from the top of dad’s shoulders.

And over the following weeks look out for the following milestones:

Adrijanas Cakans 100- 5k and 100 Junior

Amber McCandlish - 50 Junior

Ryan Shannon 50 - Junior

Bella Cakans – 25 events as a volunteer.

All this Park Run success would not be possible without people such as Claire Cooper – our Chair of Governors, who volunteers every Saturday and Sunday, along with a truly dedicated band, to ensure our times are accurately recorded.

To finish, our older members have continued to run events at different distances in far flung places. Darwin Park Run in Australia probably wins the furthest away prize. Most fun probably followed our 10k, Half-Marathon and Marathon runs in Edinburgh. Mrs Kervin even cycled to Edinburgh to join us!

Happy Running

Mr T, Miss B, Mrs T








If you wish to register for Parkrun please follow the link below. 