Year 5 2024 - 2025
Ms Mills
Mrs Leigh
Mr Chadwick
Welcome to Year 5
Class teachers in Year 5 are Mr. Chadwick, Ms Mills and Mrs Leigh. They are supported by Mrs Green, Mrs. Preston, Mrs. Collins.
Home Reading
Children are expected to read at home every night and bring their reading folder in every day. Please ensure they do this as it has a huge impact over the year.
5 DC
Wednesday - Swimming (EARLY SESSION - 8.45)
Thursday - P.E. / Forest School
Wednesday - Swimming
Friday - Games
We do encourage children to have their PE kits in all week as additional PE sessions may take place during the week.
Reminder - P.E. kit is black shorts and white T-shirt. Appropriate warmer clothing is required for outdoor pe.
We encourage children to bring in a healthy snack for school. They can also buy a slice of toast, a crumpet or a bagel from school for 20p each.
We will continue to keep parents and guardians updated on School Spider, sending out important notices and sharing photos or videos of what we have been up to in class.
If you have any questions, please email:
Files to Download
Year 5: News items
Newsletter, by Miss Jones
Newsletter, by Miss Jones
Saturday dance class with Dance with Nikki, by Miss Jones
Year 5: Gallery items
Year 5BM/SL Science 1.10.24, by Ms Mills
5 DC Science pics, by Mr Chadwick
Year 5BM/SL Science, by Ms Mills
Year 5: Calendar items
Year 5 McMillan Coffee Morning, by Mrs Boyer
5BMSL Parents Meetings, by Mrs Boyer
4DC Parents Meetings, by Mrs Boyer