Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium was introduced in 2011 to provide additional funding for children from low income families to help ensure they make progress in line with their peers. Pupils qualify for Pupil Premium funding if they have, at any point, received free school meals, are classed as CLA (Child looked after) or from families with parents in the armed services. Schools receive Pupil Premium in addition to main school funding and it is their responsibility to direct funds so they support the learning of disadvantaged children.
Pupil Premium at Woodland CPS
For the academic year 2024/25 - Woodland CPS will receive £254,560 (based on 172 x £1480)
Click on the documents below for more information including our Pupil Premium plan for 24.25 which outlines how we intend to use the funding. These documents also include case studies of pupils who access pupil premium funding.