Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium was introduced in 2011 to provide additional funding for children from low income families to help ensure they make progress in line with their peers. Pupils qualify for Pupil Premium funding if they have, at any point, received free school meals, are classed as CLA (Child looked after) or from families with parents in the armed services. Schools receive Pupil Premium in addition to main school funding and it is their responsibility to direct funds so they support the learning of disadvantaged children.
Impact of COVID-19 on Disadvantaged Children
The EEF (Education Endowment Foundation) has produced a report (July 2021) based on the assessments made of disadvantaged children compared with those taken in 2019 ie pre-pandemic.
The summary shows that, due to school closures, All pupils are working significantly lower in reading and maths. In addition, the disadvantaged gap has widened. In KS1, disadvantaged children are working between 7 and 8 months behind non-disadvantaged pupils. In KS2, pupils are a further month behind what they originally were in maths. Pupil Premium funding, combined with catch up funding, will be used to address this
Pupil Premium at Woodland CPS
For the academic year 2022/23 Woodland School will receive a budget of £225,755 (£1385 – 163 pupils)
Click on the documents below for more information. These documents include case studys of pupils who access pupil premium funding.