Reception 2024 - 2025
Miss Baxter
Miss Alker
Welcome to Hummingbird and Starling class,
Hello and welcome to our wonderful classes!
Our teachers in Reception are Miss Baxter and Miss Alker. Assistant Teachers are Mrs Millward, Mrs Hornsby and Miss Chadwick.
If you have a child in Reception, here are some things that you need to know:
Toast money is £1 per week and is collected on a Monday morning for the week ahead.
Children will need their PE kits in school.
Reception children attend swimming lessons from Easter onwards. Children will need to bring a full swimming kit into school on those days.
We are fortunate to have a wonderful outdoor area which we use everyday rain or shine. Could you please ensure that your child is sent to school with appropriate footwear and warm clothing on wet and windy days. It would be ideal if your child could bring a pair of wellies to leave in school to use during wet weather along with a change of clothes...just in case!
For Reception children, lunches are free. However, if you would prefer to send a packed lunch you are welcome to do so.
RWI sessions start at 9.10am. Could you please make sure your child is on time every morning so that they do not miss this vital reading and writing lesson.
Book bags will be sent home every day containing a reading book and a story to share at bedtime with a reading record. Book bags need to be brought back to school every day so that we can earn our reading stars. To make progress in reading, we recommend that you read with your child every day. When you have read, could you please write a short comment in their reading record to tell us how they managed with the books. We also send lots of reading activities, songs, RWI video lessons and much more via School Spider each week. Please check in regularly.
Please stay tuned and keep a regular eye on your Spider app for class updates and key messages.
If you can't access this or need any further information, please email us on the following addresses:
Could you ensure that school has a current completed data sheet and phone number for your child’s emergency contacts. Please inform the office as soon as possible if there are any changes to phone numbers, addresses or list of people who may be collecting your child.
Please check back to our page regularly as there will be an abundance of photographs for you to see!
We are looking forward to a wonderful year with our Reception superstars!
Files to Download
Reception: News items
Reception: Gallery items
Hummingbird class LOVE drawing club!, by Miss Baxter
Hummingbird Art and DT projects, by Miss Baxter
Woodland Whippets - Autumn 2 - 2024, by Miss Beeley