R.E. Subject Lead: Bev Mills
In RE lessons at Woodland school, children are given the opportunities to explore the views given by different religions and beliefs. Through this, they develop a clear sense of what is of real value in the world today.
We hope to develop the attitudes of curiosity; awe and wonder; fairness; commitment; self-awareness and respect. At a time when religious beliefs guide the lives of billions of people worldwide, understanding people’s views can be a first step to recognising and appreciating diversity. This is particularly important at a time of global tensions.
Through RE, children are challenged to push themselves to think outside of their comfort zones and explore their skills, beliefs and ideas; asking questions at all times whilst experiencing practical lessons. Our RE curriculum encourages a thoughtful and questioning approach to life and seeks to lay the foundations, so that our pupils grow in understanding of themselves and the world in which they live, preparing them for life in Britain today and encouraging them to imagine and contribute to the creation of a better world for all.
Children’s comments about why we learn RE and the new knowledge and skills we gain:
Harley Year 6
"RE helps me quite a lot as I understand what others believe. I’m not a Christian, I haven’t got a religion, but I’m interested in finding out about other religions and what people think".
Daniela Year 5
"When we learnt about forgiveness, we learnt about how you should always forgive someone. Now I know that you can forgive someone if they want to take back their mistake. It helps me to forgive people when they have upset me".
Amelia Year 3
"I liked learning about the prophets because they helped God to make the world a better place. Martin Luther King got a message from God too and he tried to make the world equal for all people – I liked this".
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the RE curriculum if they wish to do so. Please contact the school.
Year 3 learnt about the festival of Raksha Bandhan and made Rakhi bracelets.
Year 4 visited Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral - it was a fantastic day filled with awe and wonder!