Equality Policy

Our Vision and Aims for Equality and Diversity

‘We will treat everyone at Woodland Community Primary School fairly, celebrating difference and meeting different needs so that all members of our school community are free to live, learn and enjoy’

Woodland Community Primary School is committed to:

• tackling discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender identity (gender reassignment and transgender), pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex (gender) or sexual orientation

• advancing equality of opportunity

• creating good relations between different groups

Defining Equality and Diversity

Equality is about fairness and equality of opportunity, and advancing equality of opportunity involves treating people differently. People should not be treated the same. Some people may need extra help or adjustments to be part of the school community; this includes teachers, administration, cleaning or catering staff employed at the school as well as pupils, parents/guardians and school governors.


Diversity is about valuing people as individuals and learning from our differences. Our differences can be visible and non-visible. By promoting diversity, we can meet different needs creatively to ensure opportunities are available to all and potential is fulfilled. We are able to meet our school’s aims and objectives more efficiently by promoting a diversity friendly school culture

Culture is about the way we behave towards one another – school governors, all employees in the school, parents, pupils and the whole school community. It is about how we treat one another and respect our differences. Promoting diversity and a diversity-friendly culture helps to create a more productive school community.

The Equality Act 2010

Relating to the Equality Act, there are nine ‘protected characteristics’ these are: age, disability, gender reassignment [transgender], marriage / civil partnership, pregnancy / maternity, race, religion and belief (and having no belief), sex (gender) and sexual orientation.

We ensure that we have due regard to:-

• eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment

• advance equality of opportunity

• foster good relations between different groups

Purpose and Scope of the Policy

This policy sets out Woodland Community Primary School’s commitment to promoting equality and diversity.

We believe that it is our responsibility to promote equality and diversity wider than the nine characteristics (areas) covered by legislation. We work to remove barriers and we will not unfairly discriminate on any grounds.

We do this by:

• Encouraging children to talk to their teacher or a member of the pastoral team

• Using the school buddies to ‘buddy up’ children to ensure they feel happy, safe and secure around school. This buddy is also someone they can talk to if they have any concerns or worries

• Providing a curriculum, which promotes positive understanding of different characteristics, recognises the contribution that individuals and groups with protected characteristics make to society, and challenges stereotyping and discrimination.

• Monitoring and reviewing this policy and reporting annually on progress in the information we publish to evidence how we are meeting the requirement of the public sector equality duty.

• Publishing and reviewing our equality objectives (and reviewing them at least every four years).

• Undertaking other activities and measures as outlined in this policy document, our published information and other relevant documents.

The policy applies to:

• School governors

• Staff

• Parents

• Pupils (as appropriate)

• Contractors

• Visitors to the school

Roles and Responsibilities

Our Governing Body will ensure that School complies with statutory requirements in respect of this policy and action plan. The Headteacher is responsible for the implementation and coordination of this policy, and will ensure that staff are aware of their responsibilities; that they are given necessary

training and support and report progress to the Governing Body. Our staff will promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos, challenge inappropriate language and behaviour, respond appropriately to incidents of discrimination and harassment, ensure appropriate support for children with additional needs and maintain a good level of awareness of equality issues. All members of the School community have a responsibility to treat each other with respect, to feel valued, and to speak out if they witness or are subject to any inappropriate language or behaviour. We will take steps to ensure all visitors to school adhere to our commitment to equality.

Equality Objectives reviewed 2022

• To continue to develop all children as active learners who take responsibility for their own achievement and development

• To ensure all children make excellent progress from their relative starting points.

• To narrow the gap between all children.

Breaches of Policy

Woodland Community Primary School views any form of discrimination as a serious act of misconduct. Any allegation of a breach in the policy will be investigated by the Governor Complaints Committee. This may lead to disciplinary or other appropriate action being taken.

Monitoring and review

Woodland Community Primary School has specific duties under the Equality Act to publish information about the diversity of our school community and the work we are doing to promote equality. This policy can be found on our school website and will be reviewed annually.

Bullying and Diversity incidents


All pupils should be safe and feel valued as individuals, whatever characteristics they may have. Bullying and harassment of pupils, staff, parents, visitors and/or contractors by pupils on the basis of their identity (including a perceived characteristic, and by association with a protected characteristic) is unacceptable. Incidents will be logged, investigated and appropriate actions taken to prevent future incidents and to support the victim as outlined in the anti-bullying policy.

Staff and Governors

The Local Authority and the School view any form of discrimination undertaken by adults as serious acts of misconduct. Any such breaches could result in disciplinary action being taken and in the case of harassment, might call for police involvement.

Diversity Complaints

Woodland Community Primary School takes seriously all complaints. Where a complaint is related to equality/diversity issues, the school procedure for dealing with complaints will apply. Complaints should be made to the Chair of Governors or Vice Chair. Contact details are available from the school office.

Reviewed: March 2024