Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Boyer

Mrs McLoughlin

Miss Wiles

Welcome to Year 4

Class teachers in Year 4 are Mrs Boyer, Mrs McLoughlin and  Miss Wiles. They are supported by Mrs Harris and Mr Schofield.

During this year we will be expanding our knowledge through having a positive ‘can do’ attitude to our learning.  


Children will need a full PE kit for our indoor lessons (black shorts and a white t-shirt). For outdoor lessons, they will need leggings / tracksuit bottoms. Please check the weekly spider message for the most up to date information. 

Wednesday - Dance

Thursday - Cycling (children need tracksuit bottoms and gloves)



Snack is available daily for children to purchase. 

Toast, crumpets or bagels - 20p

Fruit is also available.

Children are also welcome to bring their own healthy snack into school.

Home Reading

It is important for children in Year 4 to read at home every night and bring their reading book in every day. 

Throughout Year 4 we hope that children continue to develop their confidence, understanding and fluency in reading. Children will read daily, either independently or with an adult, so we ask that reading folders are in school every day.

To keep you up to date with messages, photographs and videos make sure you download the SchoolSpider App. 

If you don’t have access to this or need any further information please feel free to send us an email:



Files to Download

Year 4: News items

Newsletter, by Mrs Harper

Newsletter, by Mrs Harper

Newsletter, by Mrs Harper

Year 4: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 4: Gallery items

Does sound travel?, by Mrs Boyer

4NMEW Science, by Mrs Boyer

4SB Science, by Mrs Boyer

Year 4: Calendar items

France Trip, by Mrs Boyer

Year 3/4 Performance, by Mrs Boyer

Year 3/4 Performance, by Mrs Boyer