School Uniform

At Woodland we encourage our children to wear a school uniform consisting of the following items:

Our Uniform

  • Grey/black skirt
  • Pinafore dress (with or without the school logo)
  • Grey or black trousers (not jeans)
  • School polo shirt or white blouse/ white shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • School sweatshirt or cardigan ( with or without the school logo)
  • Suitable shoes (Trainers must be all black with no logos showing)
  • During the summer, a lightweight dress (yellow gingham dress or Red for year 6 only) or shorts (plain grey/black) and a white, plain t-shirt may be worn.

To prevent school shoes from being spoilt, children may bring trainers for breaks and lunchtimes in their bags but we cannot take responsibility for them.

School sweatshirts are grey, except Y6 who wear red. 

 Our PE Kit

  • Indoor P.E.: Pumps (not trainers), black shorts and plain white t-shirts (No logos)
    in many indoor lessons children may be required to work in bare feet for safety reasons
  • Outdoor P.E.:Trainers (which do not cover the ankle), a change of socks, shorts/jogging bottoms (no logos) and plain white t-shirt/sweatshirt.
  • Cycling: PE kit, trainers.
    - In autumn/ winter: Joggers, warm jacket/coat, gloves.
  • Swimming:Girls should have a one-piece costume and boys should have trunks, not shorts.  It is now essential that all children wear a swimming cap.  Children without a cap will not be allowed to swim. Swimming caps can be purchased from the school office for £1.

Physical Education, including swimming, is a National Curriculum requirement, therefore all children must participate. Clothing for P.E. should not be worn around school or for other lessons. Children need their kit every day and in a bagPlease ensure their P.E. bag and all their kit is labelled with their name.


  • The only permitted jewellery that may be worn is:
  • One pair of stud earrings (no other piercings are permitted)
  • A sensible wristwatch (not a smartwatch)

Jewellery is the responsibility of the pupil and not the school. Lost or damaged items will not be refunded.

All jewellery must be removed during practical lessons, for example, PE lessons / swimming lessons. If children cannot remove their own earrings, then this should be done at home on the day of PE.

We strongly recommend that if your child is to have an ear piercing then this should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays so that it does not effect the school year.

Uniform Price List

Item Cost
Sweatshirt Small  £9.50
Sweatshirt Medium - XL £14.50
Sweat Cardi Small £11.00
Sweat Cardi Medium - XL £16.50
Polo Shirt Small £7.00
Polo Shirt Medium - XL £12.00 
Fleece Jacket £12.50
Reversible Coat £20.00
Pinafore Dress Age 4 to 7 £9.00
Pinafore Dress Age 8 to 11 £10.00
Book Bag £4.00
PE Bag  £4.00 

Download a uniform order form

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